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[ Total Views: 622 | Total Replies: 2 | Thread Id: 44963 ]
Author: Subject: What Mask to use when sanding BOG and PAINT??
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posted on October 19th, 2005 at 02:42 PM
What Mask to use when sanding BOG and PAINT??

What type of mask should be used when sanding away bog and paint w/elec sander/angle grinder? Cheers!
**This is REN using RUCKUS computer.....
Super Administratorhelbus
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posted on October 19th, 2005 at 03:41 PM

If you are using disposable masks, get P2 style with the valve for easier breathing. They will cost you about $3 each in a box of 10.

Otherwise get a rubber mask with a replacable cartridge capability. You can then get organic filters which filter out thinner and paint fumes also. They are not suitable for two pac. They usually go fo $20-$25 with the cartriges being about $8 each to replace. They are available with one or two cartrige holes, and that just means they go for twice as long, but you need to buy two cartriges.

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posted on October 20th, 2005 at 12:20 AM

Thanks for the info Helbus.....

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