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Author: Subject:  ball joints
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posted on July 29th, 2006 at 03:30 PM
ball joints

i got a ball joint front beam out of a 68 type 1 and i was woundering if there was any tricks of geting the ball joints out. also i was woundering if there was a seal between the torsion bar houseing on the front beam and the "upper and lower" control arms(l dont know wat they are called . if anyone knows wat im talkin about and can help out that would be great. cheers
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posted on July 29th, 2006 at 09:47 PM

To get the balljoints out of the arm you need to get them out with a press. Best bet is to take it to a shop with a press to get them out. You can removve the studs from the knuckles with a balljoint seperator, however i can't even get these to come out on mine.
Yes there is a seal in the end of each torsion beam along with some needle bearings, if your taking everything apart its a good idea to inspect these.

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posted on July 29th, 2006 at 10:13 PM

Hi tobeysmate,

It took a 20 ton press to remove My balljoints...
I was going to keep them as spares as the rubber boots had cracks in them.
the actual balljoints were fine.
a 5 tonne press wouldn't move them.
naturally, after 20 tons of pressure they weren't any good

I bought new seals for the upper and lower arms, but decided to leave the original german ones in as there is nothing wrong with them.
I wasn't sure how long new replacements would last.

Be sure to grease the front end every oil change with lithium based moly grease and it will last forever.
It doesn't take much grease to grease it

some front ends come apart easily, and others are nearly impossible to pull apart
spray everything with WD40 You want to take off
it does seem to help with most things


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posted on July 30th, 2006 at 05:43 PM

no worries thanx ill try with a press those beam seals i dont know if they r even present i might have to pay a visit to the local bug shop i think

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