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Author: Subject:  Hammerite
Insano Dub Head


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posted on September 2nd, 2006 at 10:24 PM

Hi everyone, just looking at some paint for my to be daily driver and weekend camper 76 kombi. An engineering friend of mine suggested using textured hammerite to pain the kombi. Now I have always wanted something different and unique and this could possibly be it, I was just wondering its wear and tear capabilities.

He told me that they paint their steel girders in it to protect it from the elements, would this be the same for my bus?

A.k.a.: Brenton Barry
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posted on September 2nd, 2006 at 10:26 PM

I'm assuming it's similar to hammertone? A silicon impregnated paint?

STAGGERS AUTOMOTIVE - Heavy Vehicle Diesel Specialist


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Insano Dub Head


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posted on September 2nd, 2006 at 10:29 PM

As far as I know. Not 100% sure.
A.k.a.: Brenton Barry
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posted on September 2nd, 2006 at 10:34 PM

We use it on our ute and truck, aswell as on a few chassis every so often, good thing is small chips don't show up as bad.

STAGGERS AUTOMOTIVE - Heavy Vehicle Diesel Specialist


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posted on September 3rd, 2006 at 01:04 PM

I used this type of paint in High School on all my metalwork projects. From memory it is a pain to apply, quite thick. It dries in a mottled patchy look so it would conceal any imperfections quite well. In the past I have considered it to paint crappy looking engine tinware for the same reason, I just never got around to it.
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posted on September 3rd, 2006 at 02:32 PM

not really, if there's water trapped then it will rot from the inside out. Try Rust Bullet Andy sells it ( ). Works a treat... Pommies call it Hammerite. I think you can get hammer of smooth finish. Good for Chassis.

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posted on September 3rd, 2006 at 02:47 PM

Industrial paints tend to be tougher than automotive ...and cheaper. Try the traditional suppliers like Wattyl ...use Sigma technology under lic from europe or Altex Coatings ..use US technology both tough as and only around $25 for litre (2pac)

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posted on October 1st, 2006 at 08:40 PM

The Hammerite in the UK is made by Finnegans and is a lot more flexible than the hammer finish type paints that I've found in Oz. Over there I've seen military vehicles painted with the stuff and it's very hard wearing, not really the sort of finish you'd want on a normal road going vehicle in my opinion. I used hammer finish paints here expecting the same durability but they never came close but if you can find Finnegans then get it but it's more use as an underbody protection rather than for panels.

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