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[ Total Views: 950 | Total Replies: 2 | Thread Id: 78712 ]
Author: Subject:  switching to dual carbs or head work?
Learner Dubber

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question.gif posted on August 28th, 2009 at 10:57 PM
switching to dual carbs or head work?

Hi everyone,
I am currently re-building an 1835 twin port motor to go in a Taipan and was considering options to gain power and not blow the budget. should I...
lighten flywheel
port and polish heads or bigger valves
switch from engle100 to a 110
switch from a webber 40 to dual carbs
not sure of the most cost effective way to approach this while the case is split and in what order.
MemberCraig Torrens
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posted on August 29th, 2009 at 08:46 AM

Well changing the cam would be a start, because once the motor is together then this is the hardest to change later.

lighten flywheel will give better throttle response, but you do lose torque.

Dual carbs will give you a great increase over a single.

Learner Dubber

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posted on August 29th, 2009 at 06:05 PM

just found out my heads aren't worth fixing. so new heads it is.
what sort of weight should i machine the flywheel to for a good balance. It will mainly be used on the street with a few weekends a year at the dunes and beach.


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