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[ Total Views: 1350 | Total Replies: 1 | Thread Id: 81632 ]
Author: Subject:  Jacking Points on Country Buggies?
A.k.a.: Tony Beven
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posted on January 26th, 2010 at 02:46 PM
Jacking Points on Country Buggies?

OK, so we’ve talked about jacks at length. How about Jacking Points? The Country Buggy parts book calls them “111 701 475A Socket – Jack” in both the chassis section (which is wrong) and the body section. In some palaces on the internet they are known as “TAB-400-860 - JACK SUPPORT - ALL BEETLE” and are available.

Now my car has a busted up something on it that looks nothing like that. There’s a strengthening plate welded to the under side of the body with some bent plate shaped into a square with a packing piece in there to give it some angle and to clear the lip of the body. That packing spacer is interesting, it’s a locking tab off the larger of the two sway bar clamps. Now that’s improvisation. I see no evidence that my car ever had a 111 701 475A attached to it and I can’t figure out how you would attach it.

Can one of you learned gentlemen please explain to me exactly what was originally supplied with a Country Buggy, or at least most of them, and how it was attached. Is the parts book wrong?
I’m looking forward to hearing what the answer is one.

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posted on January 26th, 2010 at 09:30 PM

Whatever is left on my orig.body, looks exactly the same as yours...we can guess that it is a factory version of jacking point...
the stiffener is according to my experience with rebuild absolutely necessary, 'cause the extension panel / between heat channel and sill panel / is not up to it... on the pictures of C.Buggies you can see different things....what is the factory version is unclear...Parts list is again incorrect...;)

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