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Author: Subject:  wanted floorpan
Casual Dubber


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posted on February 8th, 2011 at 02:08 PM
wanted floorpan

want to start resto on my cb need floorpan 6volt bug will do
and can you still get h/d floor pan halfs :punk:
ko 217
A.k.a.: Tony Beven
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posted on February 9th, 2011 at 04:19 PM

Hi KO217
Not all 6V bug floor pans are quite the same, although they can be converted. For instance seat belt mounting holes didn’t come until later.
The way the Type 3 (Country Buggy) pedal assembly bolts into the tunnel is different, the earlier ones didn’t have nuts welded inside the tunnel on both sides, only on one, but they can be added.
The clutch cable tube on the early ones comes to the right side, it’s on the left on the CB. You can’t easily just move the hook across on the pedal, you can’t get the pedal assembly to go back in the hole if you do that. You can’t just move the tube to the other side, you’re flat out seeing it, let alone cutting and welding it. You have to open up the top of the tunnel, move the tube, and weld up again.
Best if you can find a later model pan with all the bits in the right place.
Then you’ll have to remove all trace of the heater control tubes to make it look like a CB chassis, easy enough.
You can get the HD floor pan halves, just a matter of money, well spent I think. You can also get the Napoleon’s hat, (curved bit at the front) front horn and front bottom plate too. Call some of the advertisers on this forum. Might be better to repair your old one?

Good to hear of another resto being started. Good luck, stick with it.
Tony KO813 (Under resto)

Country Buggy King & Link Pin Overhauls, Type 1 & 2 King Pins, General Machining. 
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Casual Dubber


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posted on February 9th, 2011 at 09:16 PM

have found new h/d floor pan halfs bit pricy thow. old backbone not worth fixing still trying to find one from bug they dont get as much of a hard time as cb ones dont mind doing the mods pedle cluster ect

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