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[ Total Views: 1781 | Total Replies: 33 | Thread Id: 84647 ]
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Author: Subject:  Why does my axle nut keep coming un done?
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posted on July 25th, 2010 at 09:29 AM

A.k.a.: Nicko McKay
Compulsive Aussie Vee Dubber
The Baja Rejuvenation Begins


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Mood: Hell hath no fury like a womans scorn for sega.

posted on July 26th, 2010 at 04:11 AM

Hey Barry. i was down your way last week. saw mick driving his baja. Did you know it was blowing a lot of smoke on take off?

62/60 model bug eye baja bug, (Full Build in Progress)
1974 Chevrolet Luv
1970 MK2 Ford Cortina GT
1979 Yamaha RX125 Two Stroke tracker project.
2004 Harley Davidson Sportster XL Custom
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posted on July 26th, 2010 at 11:52 AM

Hahaha! He told me he saw you and that you would have seen that. Yea, his baja has started running real rich and we're waiting on a fuel pressure regulator for it that should sort that out. Drop in next time you're up Nick!
A.k.a.: Nicko McKay
Compulsive Aussie Vee Dubber
The Baja Rejuvenation Begins


Posts: 4936
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Registered: October 1st, 2003
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Location: Buderim QLD
Theme: UltimaBB Pro Blue ( Default )
Mood: Hell hath no fury like a womans scorn for sega.

posted on August 4th, 2010 at 10:19 PM

was going to drop in but we didnt have a lot of time that day. Might be back down there tomorrow for a ride. will you be around?

Why would fuel pressure cause it to run rich? is it running a hi pressure electric fuel pump? Needle and seat gone and fuel coming out of the overflow?

62/60 model bug eye baja bug, (Full Build in Progress)
1974 Chevrolet Luv
1970 MK2 Ford Cortina GT
1979 Yamaha RX125 Two Stroke tracker project.
2004 Harley Davidson Sportster XL Custom
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