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Author: Subject:  upgrading a '65
Commited Dubber


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posted on July 28th, 2010 at 09:08 PM
upgrading a '65

Hi all,

I'm fairly new to this site and I was wondering about motors. More specifically, the relationship of motor size/output compared to NSW road legal engineering upgrades.

for arguments sake say I was to upgrade a '65 beetle from its standard 1200 to:
a mild 1600tp
or 1776
or even a 1915/16... or BIGGER?
(all of these would have exhaust and twin carbys of some sort).
would I need an engineers certificate for any or all of these choices?

at what point do you have to (legally) upgrade:
the brakes, from the standard drum - the suspension - seatbelts - windscreen wipers - to something better?

any advice would be greatly appreciated,
Thanks in advance

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posted on July 29th, 2010 at 05:58 PM

ok the biggest engine size without an engineers is 1700 for a bug.

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posted on July 29th, 2010 at 08:41 PM

Beg to differ Barls :crazy:

1700 is correct if you are working from a 1600

I am 99% sure (in NSW) self engineered is a 15% increase

So - based on a 1200 you are looking at a 1380??

That said - bugger all people would know the difference

As for the brake upgrade - again in NSW - once you upgrade to a 1600 you need the equivelent brakes
ie discs up front

Legeally - you really are better off going with a later pan that already has a 1600 and discs as standard

or just get it engineered

Upgrading the brakes is just common sense

Suspension - just needs to be in good nick
Decent shocks and good bushings/ball joints / K&L pins all round

You also need to think about a later gear box
A big motor and a 1200 box is a headache

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posted on July 31st, 2010 at 05:35 AM

Cheers guys, Bizarre that helps alot.
I was thinking about changing the pan, it would make sense...
but, I kinda like the idea of keeping it mostly stock except for a bigger motor/gearbox/ etc. That and I'm a fan of the wide five wheels (I know its a silly reason for not doing the obvious upgrade, but, meh).
will a 1500 gearbox fit in a 1200 pan? (it should)

As for the brakes does anyone know of a wide 5 disc conversion in Australia?
I've found empi ones in the US. Anyone have any thoughts on these?

I've been around veedubs since I was young bUt I haven't tinkered with one for about 10years...

with that in mind;
As far as gearboxes/ motors and other spares go who has the broader (cheaper) range in sydney?
Vintage veedub?
(Is tooleys still around?)
Any others I'm not aware of?

Will post up some pics of my project soon...

[size=5]"So... when will the bug be finished?"[/size]

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posted on August 1st, 2010 at 07:26 PM

tooleys is still around and quite helpful there is also fermans in penshurst.

“We all pay for life with death, so everything in between should be free.” Bill Hicks
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Commited Dubber


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posted on August 3rd, 2010 at 09:49 PM

Cheers Barls

[size=5]"So... when will the bug be finished?"[/size]

[size=4]HA, better question: "will it ever be finished?"..[/size]

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