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Wolfsburg Elder
Wheres her VW heart on her sleeve


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posted on November 21st, 2005 at 02:34 PM

and so the saga of problems continue:
Call from mechanics following full service and we now need to have following also done
Back axel seals replaced
wipers arent self stopping, and its a problem with the motor
Oil pouring out of engine, indicating rear main seal. They will check it all out when engine is pulled out, to also see if they can see any cracks in the head (lets pray there arent)
crack in carbies which means petrol is pouring in and making it run too rich. So new second hand carbies is needed. They located one.

Bill so far : $2050 approx. add rego to that...

He did stated that once all this is done, he hopes to not see me for anything more than accessories and services. And they are still hoping to have her out of the work shop this week.

Me too...for both areas.

And if she does get out soon, and because she cost so much...she will be driven to every meet, every drive in night and every bloody where i can make the pricess go. Forget this thing about hiding her in a garage.

thanks for listening to me whinge...

PS: Next boyfriend will have to be a vw mechanic...pmsl

dubless. :fakesniff:
:ninja: And who the helled parked the Mitsubishi "Prancer" under my house??? :ninja:
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posted on November 21st, 2005 at 06:51 PM

Holy moly, that is some list that needs fixin! I am sure after all that work she will run sweet and give you loads of smile-filled miles when it is all done. The repair bill certainly is going to hurt by the sounds of it, hopefully you don't see any "muffler bearing" replacement fees on the invoice :blush

I trust the work will be done really well and am just joking about the muffler bearing!

Wolfsburg Elder
Wheres her VW heart on her sleeve


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posted on November 22nd, 2005 at 09:56 AM

thanks das,

they mechanics im using are leons vw repair shop, so I feel ok that the work will be done really well.

And yes, the guy at the shop said by the end of this exercise they hope to not see me for anything more than a service every now and then.. I'm hoping its because they expect the car is fixed really well, and not because she looks too girly!

Anyway, they are pushing to have her fixed by this weekend (I hope so) and if they do...well I'll be driving her everywhere....just because i can

And fingers crossed that the heads on the engine arent cracked, because that was their other concern with the oil leaking.

dubless. :fakesniff:
:ninja: And who the helled parked the Mitsubishi "Prancer" under my house??? :ninja:
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posted on November 22nd, 2005 at 10:02 AM

Hope your baby gets fixed good and proper!
It's sad when they have probs and can't be driven.
Atleast your mechanic sounds like the real deal. :P
Wolfsburg Elder
Wheres her VW heart on her sleeve


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posted on November 22nd, 2005 at 10:17 AM

thanx PBB.

I hate the fact shes been off the road so long...and before she got here she was sitting in a driveway for about 6 months (if i recall correctly)

I hope shes in perfect condition when she comes home, cause lord knows shes getting driven everywhere.

The guys at the shop knows she not only has essentials done, but everything necessary to make her safe. I explained that two kids are riding in her, and youngest is at back on top of battery tray we want no fires.

they measures every one has gone to keep the kdis safe is extreme.

Safety precautions (care of bubbys dad) so far:
battery box, wedges of rubber on bottom and side to stop it moving inside..
Thicker rubber mat over the battery box, so springs cannot penetrate box.
two fire extinguishers
one fire blanket

(I was actually surprised bubs dad didnt put extinguisher on back fender!)

Then it went to the shop, and their just as picky too!
fuel lines moved.
brakes checked..twice apparently
engine/engine bay area is to be fully cleaned of all old oil

This is all probably standard to them, but hey it makes me feel good. :P

I just know, im hanging to have her home, and drive her round like crazy. besides, once shes done and home, then its onto all the fun bling bling & butterflies!

[ Edited on 22-11-2005 by bugeyedbabe ]

dubless. :fakesniff:
:ninja: And who the helled parked the Mitsubishi "Prancer" under my house??? :ninja:
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posted on November 22nd, 2005 at 10:31 AM

Yay, bling! :spin:
Wolfsburg Elder
Wheres her VW heart on her sleeve


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posted on November 25th, 2005 at 08:34 PM



After what seems like forever, but is closer to 7 months, Edith had finally amde it to the road.

I picked her up from the mechanics, and much to my amusement she drove along very happily to the RTA.

Once we got there, it was a very simple task of showing them the papers, and paying the bill. They didnt even go out to check her vin etc...

Sat down for a drink, and organised insurance. Yes, I did that before I drove her an inch further. Why? Because my partner once drove his new car out of a car yard, 500 meters, then got rear ended. the bill $3k. He also had it became someone elses headache , but a lesson we all remember. :)

Funny part is this...two companies refused to insure her because of the 'crazy paint'. They thought she'd be involved in too many accidents due to other motorists being Anyway, RACQ did insure her for the pricely sum of $310/annum. So then Aj and I were off.

And we drove

Drove to pick up another of my sons, went out to Ippy, then back to pick up my daughter Ally, then well..anywhere they could think of.

Only just finished driving in fact. Approx 80/90miles in her first day.

She visited everyone, showed off her lovely arse, and basically had fun.

My son Dan loves her, Ally even more so, and Aj, well he couldnt stop waving to all the people waving at him. Tonight im sleeping with the keys tucked under my pillow, since my son discovered the car is a chick magnet.

so YEAAAHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


shes done shes done shes done shes done...

dubless. :fakesniff:
:ninja: And who the helled parked the Mitsubishi "Prancer" under my house??? :ninja:
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posted on November 25th, 2005 at 09:20 PM

Congrats bugeyed! Don't forget to take a break from driving and post us some pictures :P
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posted on November 29th, 2005 at 01:23 PM

SPOTTED! in a carpark with no rego plates tho, i was shoppin 4 a pool table! um somewhere round mt gravatt i think, cant remember much before yesterday
Wolfsburg Elder
Wheres her VW heart on her sleeve


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rsvdclap.gif posted on July 17th, 2006 at 11:26 PM
THANK U MANX XTC & JohnnyB..and u too BIG A


Ok...weekend started out not good....but has ended great..and I mean GREAT!!

I have 3 cars, as some of u know.

One 70 Standard 1300 called Edith
A 72 Super 1500 (motor transplant b4 me)
And 61 called Blue Belle who has 1600 (motor transplant also done b4 me)

Blue Belle hasnt been to the road for more than an hour since I got her. She had a number of hidden problems just waiting to burst forward. BUT, I doubt even the previous owner would have been aware of them when selling her to me. The work he did was great, but like I said, there are problems. Just sitting until the pressure was too much ....

So, there I was, thinking the problems were only, just a gearbox transplant and door mechanism. Mechanism Purchased, gearbox located. And JohnnyB, god bless this man has the biggest heart, he jumped under the donor car and dropped the box for us on Saturday - the last sat, which was miserable, raining and muddy.

Get home (Still SAturday) Clean up the gearbox, and leav ti all oevrnight.

On Sunday, Jace takes her for a DRIVE.....turns out I need the gearbox, pressure plate, clutch. and new doors, as the one I have have rust which has been "added onto' It appears someone in this cars history has simply 'added' a peice of metal over the rust and then welded it on. Painted over it, and reset teh doors...was great for a while, but once the doors moved...well...they couldnt go back.

The VW stores are all closed so I cant even race off to grab the clutch and pressure plates.

Anyway, after finding all this out, Jace thought there was simply no way we'd get her on the road properly at this point...well not in time to take her to Valla. And sicne I only have his expertise THIS one WEEKEND b4 Valla...whatever we do has to be done quickly.

So off we trot to sort out Edith, assuming she should be a quick fix, just a tune and brakes to be bleed.

Well, if u know of the history I have with Edith, she has been a loyal car, and so I'm nto upset at taking her. Blue Belle would have been nice. But HEY, Ediths nice too. And LOYAL

But once Jace saw her, he told me there was no way she'd make it to Valla either...Not without a major number of transplants. Starting with new motor. ARGHHH!

Her brakes needed adjusting, since i had none (NO BRAKES....well, explains the sliding etc) not to mention sorting out the fact I hit the floor before there is any clutch.

So list for EDITH was : Motor, Brakes & sorting out the clutch. :cry

Thankfully I had an engine, condition was unknown, but compression was good. So we take the chance on it.

As we are pulling out the old one, we come across something Jace and JohnnyB (checked by phone) havent seen before. There is a lever on the back of the shroud to adjust some vents on the shroud which allows more air to get into the engine (I think thats what Jace said they were for)

Problem is the damn handle is stopping us getting the motor out because it is hitting everything.

About 2 hours later, the boys have finally worked out how to get the damn thing out. And now we get to put the other back in.

Once that was done, we try turning it over. After a couple of tries, the battery went flat. ARRRGHHHH. At this point, boys think petrol and matchs are a good fix for Edith. I hide the matchs, lighters and damn...i cant hide the fuel. anyway...

The battery is charged up over night, and Jace comes the next day (Monday)...Just for fun.

He finishes putting a feww more touches to car, and then we turn it over. IT GOES...YEAHHHHHHH....lots of smaoke (cough cough) but that soon clears up. :thumb

But take ur foot of the acceleration, and it dies. Timing is checked and not to bad...but the damn carby is leaking.

The 1600 had a 34 pict, and I only had 31 picts on my other motor. DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN... Its $350 for a new one...


BUT yeah for MICK at micks motors who just mentions that he has "adaptor plates for about $27.00' so that u can change a 31 to fit a 34 spec....and it worked like a dream. Way to save $320 bucks. :thumb

Jace ran out of time, so Big A is now working on car. (also picked up the Idiots guise whilst at Micks) Put rest of it together with very little problems.

NEXT things we did was brakes.

Big A dropped under the car and bleed the brakes. On an average, it took 5 pumps of the brakes before the fluid came thru. That in essences means...NO BRAKES we working well previously SHIT!

:jesus :jesus

(I'm thanking this guy for the miracle of no accident..)

Then...Big A checked the clutch, and with a quick adjust, they were also sorted now it sits high on the pedal.


she's become a speedy little rocket, brakes nicely, and wow...changing the gears is nice and smooth.

Edith and I had no idea what we were missisng out on, but she is so happy....just humming beautifully.

I intend to send her to Micks Motors to be given the once over, and to make sure she is in good shape to head to Valla. But I can tell u...right now...she is totally perfect.

So a BIG thanks goes to Jace (MANX XTC) for letting me know...she wasnt running well in the first place, and what I had been told by various mechanics was not necessarily right. :kiss

BIG thanks to Jace & Big A for transplanting her heart. She looooovvveeess it. (as do I :)) :kiss

HUGE thanks to JohnnyB for letting me play at his house, dropping out the gear box he had available on SATURDAY - when it was wet and muddy - and smiling thru it all. :kiss

And BIG BIG thanks to Big A for finishing it all off.

My shout for Pizzas and Drinks....whatever u want!


[ Edited on 17-7-2006 by bugeyedbabe ]

dubless. :fakesniff:
:ninja: And who the helled parked the Mitsubishi "Prancer" under my house??? :ninja:
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posted on July 18th, 2006 at 12:04 AM

fk... massive call!

congrats to all involved! and goodluck on your drive to valla!

the flaps at the back of the fan shroud i think were stock to help the motor warm up quicker in colder climates most of which were removed when sold from dealers in australia. or so my understanding goes.

well done all!

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posted on July 18th, 2006 at 12:11 AM

WOW nice blokes helping a damsel i distress.. nice one fellas.. valla here ya come.. :tu:

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posted on July 18th, 2006 at 04:17 PM

Yay!! Sounds like she'll get us to Valla no probs hey Donna?? :sandrine:smilegrin::smilegrin:
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posted on November 21st, 2007 at 07:14 PM

:rolleyes: come on donna
wheres all the updated pics of edith and bluebelle
surely you have got your boys ass into gear and fixed what was need to be fixed
on your babies.:)

jess and jace:yes:

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posted on November 21st, 2007 at 07:24 PM


Tazz is busy working and sleeping, but yeah blue belle is next to worked on...well after the sqr is done. Tazz me thats in august (soemthing about being AFTER VALLA)...hmm..not likely :no:

Actually he says its really just a weekends worth of work...if ur happy to call round and help him. (but i think i lost the empis to the

I'm still all for some nice slimline white walls...but as i said..the mans the one choosing... and we disagree about that bit all the time. Oh, and u know I''ve been told accessories are to be NOS..even if we're paying more for it. DIdnt understand why..until i went to g/c show. If u pick up the wrong imitation accessories looks kinda cheap. not always..but sometimes. Some looked great....some looked overdone and cheap

ATMO the sqr is getting the accessories we have been collecting and is looking very kewl. I think Tazz is now searching for a roof rack..i think. lol. Im sure Tazz can update it as he feels fit.

Might put pics up over weekend of all the cars in the yard...two beetles and type 3s and the 'ough cough' non vw dailies and that doesnt include the others we have in our friends yard, cause we ran out of space at our house..:lol:


And i hate it when he leaves himself logged in..and i dont notice till i've finished.. :lol::lol:

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