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Author: Subject:  what happens when the oil runs out?
A.k.a.: Michael Hutchinson
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posted on May 6th, 2006 at 01:35 PM

Originally posted by sinecure
Not really near Brisbane though.

It is when you live up here!!!:P:P
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posted on May 6th, 2006 at 09:48 PM

Cram...good points....

Sure these "suppressed technologies" are patented but you don't need to prove that your idea works to patent it in the first place. Amazing how all these inventors "dissappear" or "need to sell" their ideas. What a croc. These ideas don't work. Anywone can access patents (after 20 odd years or something) and build the thing for yourself. geez you even do a practical in science class to separate water into oxygen and hydrogen.

It is an obviously SIMPLE point, but inspiringly true, and needs to be said....also obvious then that given the market dominates proceedings.... doesnt the idea of suppressed technology sound a bit far fetched.... if it REALLY works and is viable, wouldnt common sense prevail...... like the 10times rule with technology...if it aint 10times better than the existing technology, it wont be taken up by the mass market...

So to entertain the the paranoia... lets say an oil company gets hold of a viable fuel source that works 10times more efficiently, and is abundant and environmentally friendly etc... even with the massive profits they make...surely if they had a hold of such technology, they could not suppress it for fear of SOMEONE ELSE coming up with it....not to mention the huge profits they could make from the initial uptake.... is this naive?

I think its common sense... the answer then to such a fuel source, IS being led by our quantum physicists...the reality though are the market forces....and it just WONT happen until we get that 10times guarantee

conjecture, thats all

[ Edited on 6-5-2006 by Scarlet ]

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posted on May 6th, 2006 at 10:45 PM

I would still like to see everyone on go karts.

imagine, four lanes, go karts 20 abreast!
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