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[ Total Views: 461 | Total Replies: 1 | Thread Id: 46054 ]
Author: Subject: Split window slider
A.k.a.: shane
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posted on November 17th, 2005 at 08:16 AM
Split window slider

I have a 67 bus that I'm doing some work on. It is fairly straight apart from the cargo doors and sill. I have seen some splits with sliders and I like the idea. My qestion is has anybody seen ordone a converion using later bay parts as a donor. I was figuring on using the bay lower door skin and grafting in the split door windows and also using the bay sill and slider rail. Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated.
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posted on November 17th, 2005 at 12:01 PM

Anything is possible. A couple of the first things to do would be to put a bay slide door in the hole of a split door opening and hold it there and see if it is the same dimensions. Tape measure the openings, look at the floor outriggers and meaure them, see if they are the same. Plenty of photo's between one and the other.

The other tricky bit may well be the side slide under the back window.

Brazilian Bay busses have split style side doors, or at least all the ones I saw did. Maybe there are hybrid parts available from South America.

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