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[ Total Views: 508 | Total Replies: 0 | Thread Id: 49173 ]
Author: Subject:  LSD into a beetle
Slammed & Awesome Dubber


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posted on February 21st, 2006 at 11:37 PM
LSD into a beetle

Have been doing some "light" reading of the transmission manual I have here, inparticular the final drive section (diff). It is apparent that the transporter came with an lsd in the production line up. Purely by looking at the pics and reading the assembly/disassembly it would seem that the lsd centre could be either made or utilited into a beetle trans axle? Has anyone played with this??

From what I am seeing the clutch packs are on the crown wheel side only, but the added benefit of a two pinion spider set can only aid in the strength of the final drive, or are the diffs insanely strong??? What is the "weak points of the trans? By the look of things the gearbox end of the transaxle is bigger but the differential centres may not be.



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