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[ Total Views: 439 | Total Replies: 2 | Thread Id: 51833 ]
Author: Subject:  1999 Passat 1.8T - Blown up! Please help!
Learner Dubber

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posted on May 6th, 2006 at 05:27 PM
1999 Passat 1.8T - Blown up! Please help!


I own a 1999 VW Passat .. 1.8T SA ... it had done 220,000 kms and now the engine is blown, so very dissapointed. It was making a very loud whirring sound, and other sounds I haven't heard an engine make before! As I was driving it to the mechanic, the engine cut out and would not start again.

My mechanic said that it would be best to get a replacement engine, and he said that i would be looking at $4,500 - $5,500. He is searching for an engine at the moment. So I just wanted to check with some VW people whether this sounds okay? Where abouts would you get a replacement engine from if I wanted to look myself?

Is there much modification required to put in the V6 engine?

Should I spend this on the car or just try and sell it as it is?

At the moment I am completely lost, confsued and dissapointed! So if anyone can offer any advice on what I can/could/would/should do, any comments, opinions, anything!! that would be really good.


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posted on May 6th, 2006 at 09:04 PM

Ring steve on 0400 356 057

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posted on May 6th, 2006 at 09:34 PM

i have a 1996 vr6 motor out of a mk2 apparently 110k's if you are interested. 0400 161412


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