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[ Total Views: 541 | Total Replies: 2 | Thread Id: 54964 ]
Author: Subject:  1776 doesn't go well
A.k.a.: Dude
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question.gif posted on August 2nd, 2006 at 10:55 PM
1776 doesn't go well

Hi,I have a 1776 with 041 heads porsche cam weber carb on scat manifold good exhaust.Problem is it just doesn't seem to go real well.Once it's doin 100k it seems to goreal well.Just doesn't seem to rev much and real sluggish down low.I've read others have same setup and theirs go real well.Any help would be appreciated.Thanks.
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posted on August 2nd, 2006 at 11:27 PM

what sort of weber carb?

sounds like it just needs a good tune, points timing and whatnot, new sparkplugs etc and get the carb properly jetted depending on what it is.

single carb should run fine, otherwise maybe go duals, set of 40 kads or something

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posted on August 3rd, 2006 at 07:55 AM

Do your basic tune-up stuff first, like ignition timing and the likes (28 to 32 degrees total as a starting point)
Then get some where that can check your jetting with a probe up the exhaust,
and preferably on a dyno.
Bare minimum check the plug colour. It is far from accurate,
but sounds like you are a mile off in the tune, unless it is a mechanical fault.

Originally posted by westi
That's mad Alan.

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