[ Total Views: 3196 | Total Replies: 11 | Thread Id: 72599 ] |
A.k.a.: Alan Agyik
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posted on October 28th, 2008 at 10:29 PM |
The RAD BUG!....bringin' back the 80s
Anyone who went to Warwick would have seen this already, but I figured I should throw a few of the build up photos of the "RAD BUG" that my brother
in law (Brad) and I put together over a three week period leading up to Warwick.
Thanks to Graham (11cab) for putting up a "freebie" post on AVD on behalf of his mate, we picked it up and started work after a figuring out a plan
of attack.
With a non running engine, unknown gearbox and questionable suspension and brakes (plus some rust and other problems), it was decided a drag car was
in order - only if we could get it done for warwick!
Here is how it looked when we picked it up:

Despite me being dead against the fibreglass guards and whale tail and wanting to build a nice cal looker, Brad persisted that the "sex on wheels"
fibreglass additions had to stay....much to my dismay.

If they were going to stay then we were going to embrace them and run with the theme. 95% of the work was done after hours so I could continue work on
customers cars so there were lots of late nights in those three weeks (1-2am was not uncommon, with one stint of 36 hours straight a couple days prior
to the event). Inside was stripped out:

I bought a set of 80s style jelly bean mags off rexy (again AVD comes to the rescue) which were corroded but servicable.

After quite a few hours sanding one night I gave them a quick hit with the polisher to shine em back up.

Next they were masked up for some orange highlights.
A.k.a.: Alan Agyik
23 Windows of Awesome
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posted on October 28th, 2008 at 10:38 PM |
I won't bore you with every photo, so you can go here for a few more:
Basically it was given a super fast express paint job, with budget in mind and as little time as possible, so it was pretty much a cheap a nasty job.
Same basic process though with priming, sanding, filling, sanding, priming etc

Drawing inspiration from a few 80s vw drag pics, I dreamed up a quick graphic scheme of which it started to look like a 60s tie dye-esque theme

Colours were mixed up and overlaid...

Then Brad (pictured here) and I went nuts with the fine line tape.

Over the tape, black base coat was applied, then tape removed and clear applied over the whole lot. Turned out pretty good for a rush job 
A.k.a.: Alan Agyik
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posted on October 28th, 2008 at 10:41 PM |
We decided that even after the rear graphics were applied, it didn't look quite 80s enough so we layed out a lightening bolt on the bonnet coming
from a cente stripe down the roof.

A.k.a.: Alan Agyik
23 Windows of Awesome
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posted on October 28th, 2008 at 10:49 PM |
Big thanks to dangerous (Dave) who rebuilt Brad's 2110 out of his ghia in time for warwick which needed new bearings, rockers, upped compression etc
etc....here's brad and I doing some last minute carb synching before its run.

The unknown 1500 swing axle box held up surprisingly well as did the brakes that were cleaned and seviced with used left over parts. Had some bad
wheel hop off the line (despite solid mounts)....could have something to do with the unknown spring plate bushings, no traction bar....or the light
commercial rear tyres (only thing that had a high enough side wall that could be found with a days notice!).

It ran a best of 9.1 at Warwick (can't remember speed) as I spent most of the weekend trying to sort out my oval (siezed Rod's borrowed 1916 on the
sunday) so Brad did all the driving of the rad bug. All good fun despite the extreme lack of sleep leading up to its debut 

So now Brad just has to decide if he want to keep running it in its 80s splendor, or go back to something a little more subtle....plus sort out the
brakes/suspension! That is if he wants to keep it, or turn his ghia into a drag car (not sure if his wife will approve that one)
pete wood
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posted on October 29th, 2008 at 07:35 AM |
that's awesome! 
I've been waiting for someone to build an 80's flashback car. And you've done a great job.
I'd love to build a late 70s circiut racer, like the old john spinks pobjoy powered sports sedan. Teeny tiny wheels with fat rubber and
You should keep it and put a drawthrough turbo motor in it, very 80s!
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posted on October 29th, 2008 at 11:12 AM |
thats totally excellent dude! 
i thought the tye dyed paint scheme looked awesome..
good work Al
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posted on October 29th, 2008 at 12:47 PM |
Very very cool.
Sorry for going a bit off topic here, but Pete, you know where I can find any info about these 70s circuit racers?
pete wood
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posted on October 29th, 2008 at 04:04 PM |
you have PM VWKG
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posted on October 29th, 2008 at 05:27 PM |
That looks fantastic Well done
1974 L-bug... 'Basil'
VW's were made to be driven, not hidden.
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posted on October 30th, 2008 at 12:23 PM |
Its passion like yours that will keep the VW scene burning brightly for a long time to come, well done!
I hope you and your brother in law wore stone wash jeans, Hypercolour shirts and got mullet or Duran Duran hair cuts for the weekend as well.
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posted on February 8th, 2009 at 01:53 AM |
Dasdubber . Top work on the 80's paint work. 
Looking back at some of your threads, it looks like you are a master at restoring VW's.
Wish you were based in Sydney or somewhere close to do mine
Moving is a Bitch 
Wolfsburg Wizard
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posted on February 8th, 2009 at 07:06 AM |
I love it, reminds me of Australian VW Power, the VW magazine from the same era. Very cool, dont change a thing !
Alan, your rush job would put most restorations to shame.