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[ Total Views: 1109 | Total Replies: 3 | Thread Id: 72932 ]
Author: Subject:  K+H paints and products?
Wolfsburg Wizard


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posted on November 17th, 2008 at 01:01 PM
K+H paints and products?

Have any of you paint and panel guys used the K+H brand products before, particularly the 1k primer/topcoats?
I would rather support an Australian company but if it has a bad rep. I don't know.

So is this stuff alright?
Super Administratorhelbus
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posted on November 17th, 2008 at 05:14 PM

If you are doing a bare metal respray with all K&H products used, all specifications as listed by K&H and products applied the way they specify, then it should all come good with skill and patience.

However if you are combining products and mixing different brands, I would not recommend this in any case, but in this case certainly cannot give guarantee that it will all be good.

I find some products work better in touchup and repair situations, and Dulux Dulon is a good example. Standox has a more aggressive thinner in it and it will have more chance of creating reactions with underlying substrates.

So the answer is Yes K&H primer and topcoats are alright in the right situation.

I have no hesitation in using the K&H body filler, underbody deadener or seam sealer anytime.

Wolfsburg Wizard


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posted on November 17th, 2008 at 07:12 PM

Cool, cool. Thanks for the tips! Will do. The other one I am looking at is Dupont. Is it worth spending $15 more per can for?
Super Administratorhelbus
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posted on November 18th, 2008 at 04:53 PM

My recommendation is Dulux (PPG) Dulon Acrylic

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