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[ Total Views: 573 | Total Replies: 2 | Thread Id: 77946 ]
Author: Subject:  (wanted) a bit of advice about 1969 and 1964 beetles
Learner Dubber

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posted on July 21st, 2009 at 09:14 PM
(wanted) a bit of advice about 1969 and 1964 beetles

hey everyone,
i am seeking advice about my beetles,
i would like to know what parts i can remove off my 1969 model beetle and place on my 1964 model beetle,
eg..disc brakes, speedo, lights, wiring, ect. also i have floor pans off a unknown model beetle will they fit my 1964 model beetle

Thank you
Son of Jim - Creator of Good
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posted on July 21st, 2009 at 10:26 PM

The body shells are different, so the windows and rubbers aren't interchangeable. Nor will the front brakes fit the earlier front end. However the '69 floorpan could be fitted to the '64 body, with a bit of work.

As for electrics, the '64 is 6-volt and the '69 is 12-volt. You would have to swap everything over, not mix n match. You could use the '69 headlights if you also use the '69 front mudguards. The '69 has a different, larger fuse box and a different, more complicated wiring harness. The '69 steering column is different - it has the high-beam switch in the blinker stalk, rather than on the floor. The '69 wiper mechanism won't fit the '64 - the body hole separation is different. The '64 has the voltage regulator on the engine; the '69 is under the back seat, etc, etc.

They are very different cars so you would need to know what you are doing.

Floor pan shape is consistent over the years (except for Superbug of course) so generally they are all interchangeable. Be careful of fitting 'unknown' pans - what front end fits? Ball joint and link pin fronts are not interchangeable.
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posted on July 21st, 2009 at 10:34 PM

i hope you are kidding! The disc brakes will not fit-the beam spacing is different on the ball joint beams to the link pin axles,the wiring is different,speedo will fit with care,lights are upright whereas on the 64 they are slopers.The 64 was also 6 volts originally. The floor pans are as you say an unknown quantity. The big question should be why?

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