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[ Total Views: 1638 | Total Replies: 2 | Thread Id: 78773 ]
Author: Subject:  'Birth Certificate' for CBs.
Memberfunkmaster red
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posted on August 31st, 2009 at 12:15 PM
'Birth Certificate' for CBs.

Hi there,

I have no documents for my CB and need to prove it's age to the U.K govenment in order to register it for road use.

I know that VW of Germany do a 'birth certificate' for classic VWs. Would VW Australia have records of the Australian built VWs or do i need to contact the Germans?

If VW Australia can do it, how do i contact the relevant person?

Thanks, Chris.
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posted on August 31st, 2009 at 05:19 PM


Would VW Australia have records of the Australian built VWs or do i need to contact the Germans?

NO VW aussie has nuthing on the Country buggies and Germany has even less they didnt even know that Australia built these cars

Bill on here will give you some help 58camper

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posted on October 2nd, 2009 at 06:43 AM

Yesterday I meet up with Funkmaster Red who is the owner of the yellow CB residing in the UK.
Let me say I was pleasantly surprised with the vehicle, it is still very original and almost complete and Chris is keen to bring it back to the best original possible. There is not a lot of rust and even less bog from what I could see.

Chris is working with a couple of guys in OZ to chase up a few parts and I will help him as well with parts and trying to get the vehicle through UK registration rules.

Funkmaster Red posts frequently in the CB section so any time you can help him out with his enquiries he will be very appreciative. You can imagine the problems he will encounter in getting the CB back to its original glory.

One really good thing to come out of the visit was the confirmation that the pan was in fact the original CB pan with the 1183xxxx coding even though the vehicle was running incorrect front end and IRS rear. Chris will probably retain the incorrect front and rear ends as trying to source correct ones will be like finding rocking horse shit.


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