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[ Total Views: 1006 | Total Replies: 2 | Thread Id: 86023 ]
Author: Subject:  squareback t3 Body removal proccess?
Commited Dubber

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yes.gif posted on September 16th, 2010 at 10:37 AM
squareback t3 Body removal proccess?

hey all
just bout to take of my type 3 squareback body from the chassis
just wondering where the main bolts on the body are to take it of? and if there is any particular procces?

and the floor pan is part of the chassis and stays with the chassis when the body come off ey?

all help appreciated
Compulsive Aussie Vee Dubber


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posted on September 16th, 2010 at 10:50 PM

what year?
71 notchback,
Past owner of, 70 NB, 73 SB and 72 FB TLE
Compulsive Aussie Vee Dubber


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posted on September 17th, 2010 at 09:45 PM

70 model, oh right. lol

Umm? you need to remove the engine and tranny.
Carpet, Seat belts, some of the interior and what not.
Remove the fuel tank.
Remove the battery.
Remove the steering box from the column.
Remove and drain the tubes from the brake fluid res to the master cylinder.
Disconnect generator charge wire from the regulator under the seat.
Disconnect the starter wire that runs along the side of the tunnel.
Take off the black long pate that is on the left side heater channel. The wiring loom is under that.

Undo all the 13mm bolts under the floor pan that run along either heater channels.
Undo two 17mm? bolts located front area of the rear deck, hiding under the mat, under 2 little flaps cut into the lining/mat.
Undo two 17mm? bolts under the rear seat located in two access holes.
Undo the two 13 bolts under the rear seat along where the pan meet the body.
Undo the four 17mm? bolts under the floor pan at the front.
Undo two 17mm? bolts just in front of the front beam, where it attached to the body via rubber mounts.

Don't forget to remove all panels as it makes it easier to lift and see what you need to do.

Setup some blocks to sit the body on around where the rear and front of the pan join on. This will ensure you wont crush the front and rear apron as they are the lowest parts of the body.

Need about 4 people to lift it but more is better. Or you can use a block and tackle with a frame and slings to lift it and move it around a bit.

I think thats about it?
71 notchback,
Past owner of, 70 NB, 73 SB and 72 FB TLE

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