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Poll: Damn Pommies Raping our Vw's
Like Seeing our Splits going OS --- 6 (8.33%)
Dont like it but nothing can be done --- 24 (33.33%)
Would hang them by the balls iffound --- 14 (19.44%)
Dont care either way --- 18 (25%)
Cry and weap in in a corner --- 3 (4.17%)
I am the guy who is doing such debauchery --- 7 (9.72%)

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Author: Subject: Damn Pommies Raping our Vw's
Seriously Crusin Dubber


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posted on July 25th, 2003 at 03:27 PM
Damn Pommies Raping our Vw's


Damn Pommies stealing our Vw's and sending them over to the UK 30 at a time.

Whilst laying on the Gold Coast soaking up aour sun.... AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Have you heard of 

Couple of Poms on the Gold Coast sending Splitties back home for a huge profit.

Go Away you buggers, make your money somewhere else. We dont need you sending Splitties OS and letting them rust out on your crappy salted roads.....:mad::mad:

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mad.gif posted on July 25th, 2003 at 03:29 PM
Damn Pommies Raping our Vw's


Damn Pommies stealing our Vw's and sending them over to the UK 30 at a time.

Whilst laying on the Gold Coast soaking up aour sun.... AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Have you heard of 

Couple of Poms on the Gold Coast sending Splitties back home for a huge profit.

Go Away you buggers, make your money somewhere else. We dont need you sending Splitties OS and letting them rust out on your crappy salted roads.....:mad::mad:

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posted on July 25th, 2003 at 07:06 PM » Buying, Selling & Swapping » Camper Wanted - October pick-up

from the above post, I thought no one gave a rat' ass, seems most everyone only too happy to sell their soul.
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posted on July 25th, 2003 at 08:15 PM

hey clint, what if they offered you $20,000 for yours??? would you sell??? think i would

Drink and drive your a bloody idiot!!! make it home you'r a legend !!!!
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posted on July 25th, 2003 at 08:19 PM

sad but...... we import stuff

we are really happy when Aussie sell stuff over seas

No one here will pay the $$$$ so.........

Sad - but we still wanna buy a split for a case of beer

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posted on July 25th, 2003 at 08:25 PM

yeah but our price of beer just went through the roof.

Drink and drive your a bloody idiot!!! make it home you'r a legend !!!!
Insano Dub Head
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posted on July 26th, 2003 at 02:19 AM

Lets ship some in from Africa!
I thought about doing that before I got mine,

Lets not forget they are being exported to people who must love kombies for they are paying lotsa pounds for them.

I'd rather see them loved than lost.
but also rather see them loved by us.

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posted on July 26th, 2003 at 06:00 AM


I have said that every time this subject has come up.
As long as some one is going to fix em up, I don't give a rats arse who has them.

There was before & after pics on a Scottish forum of a split kombi.
It was in a garage & you could see the bloke through the window, look close & you could see he was standing on the garage floor, INSIDE THE KOMBI.

What this bloke went through to put it back on the road was unreal.

Here, it would have been off to sims.

If that is the passion they have & this is the extent of the work they are prepared to do, then I say good luck to them.......:cool:

Then of course, there was a guy advertised a kombi on this forum a couple of months ago & all these people moaned about the price.
I'll say now what I said then;
If he put the ad on an English website, he'd have his money tomorrow & I would hear the same people bleating about another one gone.

Can't win, why bother?? :(

Well my friends are gone & my hair is grey, I ache in the places where I used to play.
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posted on July 26th, 2003 at 06:10 AM

onya spook and ned. way to go!! oops! and herbie!!

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posted on July 26th, 2003 at 06:59 AM

You cannot deprive anyone from owning a vw no matter where they are from.
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posted on July 26th, 2003 at 08:03 AM

Got to say funnily enough I agree with SPOOK and always have on this issue.

Anyone who has a problem with exporting them must really hate me and my buggy mates.

At least those that get exported live to drive another day. Most of the ones I buy I wreck and make buggies out of, yet no one has ever expressed a real problem with it.

If they really do care then they should buy a really big shed and start spending. I know where there are a vehicles ready for COMPLETE resto's.

A few months ago I tried to GIVE AWAY a 1968 Westfalia Camper and NO ONE was seriously interested. Had NO ONE even bother to look at it.

So by your measure I would have been an ass hole to send it over seas ?? WTF I didn't see you hard core enthusiasts lining up to get it out of my yard.

Practise what you preach or get out of the church, I say.

Now I never did find that split oval for a baja project I was planning.

Why copy when you can own an original ?
Meyers Manx Australia
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posted on July 26th, 2003 at 08:07 AM

Originally posted by Buggy Brad

Now I never did find that split oval for a baja project I was planning.

Sorry Brad I sent it back to the Uk !!!

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posted on July 26th, 2003 at 08:10 AM

I'm interested in any kombi you got sunshine. Particularly if it's gratis.
It's the actual picking up of the same that is the problem....:cool:
I still want a 71 to 73 walk thru panel van if you find one cheap.

And what do you mean, "funnily enough" I agree with Spook???

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posted on July 26th, 2003 at 08:17 AM

I will keep you in mind. I am on teh straight and narrow with kombies ATM as the grow much quicker than buggies / beetles.

Funnily enough means just that ... :P I find humour in our agreeance yet again on a subject that I have posted against on numerous occasions. In fact I might just cut and paste in future to save us both typeing the same " get over it " comments.

I just don't understand why people have to keep bringing it up. The USA don't care when I buy Manx Stuff.

Why copy when you can own an original ?
Meyers Manx Australia
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posted on July 26th, 2003 at 08:18 AM

That should read BOTH posted against :bounce:puke

Why copy when you can own an original ?
Meyers Manx Australia
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posted on July 26th, 2003 at 08:33 AM

Yeah, I must admit I grow weary of this subject.
I wasn't going to post this time except it seems more people are coming around to my way of thinking.

Well my friends are gone & my hair is grey, I ache in the places where I used to play.
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posted on July 26th, 2003 at 10:57 AM

Well well well,

I dont think you guys are getting the point at all.

First of all, this is not one or two every month or so, this is 30 Splits at a time every couple of months. DO the Math....!

If you want to buy a Splitty any year, or parts for that matter you will be looking around forever to find them and if you do you will be paying $$$ for your buy....;-(

I dont mind if people send them over in personal quantities.
But I do get my back up when I hear of people sending shit loads off our shores every few months.
Their is not a whole lot of early stuff getting around and to hear this does not make me smile.
The had a shite loads more early stuff than what we had and now we are going to see them rust out more of the might Splitty..

If you dont agree, well thats your problem, you try finding parts for your splitty when you want to do one up.....

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posted on July 26th, 2003 at 11:09 AM

Does that mean anyone with a split type 1 is a thief and a rapist??

Or an enthusiast ??

Futue te ipsum!!!
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posted on July 26th, 2003 at 12:10 PM

For starters I think the term rape is way over the top. They are only cars after all. Second it is this sort of birthright bullshit that has some people agreeing that some other people can be locked up in camps just because they didn't fill in the "correct" paper work. If a purchaser pays the price a vendor is asking for something it is then their choice what they do with it. Personally if I had enough money I would buy every XD falcon left and give them to Simsmetal as long as they promised to crush them and then crush them once more just to be sure they stay crushed.
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posted on July 26th, 2003 at 12:54 PM

They shouldn't be in camps, they should be sent straight back, so those who haven't queue jumped come over!!
People keep leaving the word "illegal" out of the arguement.
I do something illegal they'll lock me up too.

But back to the subject at hand.

"try finding parts for your splitty when you want to do one up"

These things don't just materialise when someone wants to export them.
They have always been there & our mob either don't want them or aren't prepared to pay for them.
Either way it's our own fault.....:cool:

Well my friends are gone & my hair is grey, I ache in the places where I used to play.
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posted on July 26th, 2003 at 02:37 PM

over here in sa we had a wicked kombi with porsche wheels white paint and a huge motor and it went to the uk why are they doing this are they doubling the price on it when it gets in the uk or something GET KOMBIS FROM THE UK DONT STEAL OURS WE LOVE THEM AS MUCH AS YOU DO!!!!!

stuipid beetle breaks everytime i drive it.....
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posted on July 26th, 2003 at 03:01 PM

Yes Its sad but not so much a fault of the exporters but a fault of our economy.

So if you really want to see our kombies stay here then make sure that you and everyone you know buys Australian products and services at every oportunity and creates as many new opportunities as possible.
I believe this is the only way to ensure our dollar makes it financially unviable for people to export our kombies.

Although we are fighting an up hill battle given we dont have the sort of population that any other known country has.

Its a sad fact, money talks and BS walks.
But it cuts both ways as well, if such a trade was to be halted on the basis of nationallity we would have few MGs, American Musclecars or goggomobils etc because we as a nation dont produce shit.
We are the buck tooth slackjaws of the world that insist that the way to success it to dig up all the minerals we have and sell them to other nations for the cheapest price on earth {or else it wouldnt sell given tranportation difficulties.}
We then take those dollars and give them back, and them some, to all the other countries who have the smarts to use their cheaply accuired minerals and employ everyone to make products to sell to the world, {Many of which were invented here and then bought up by the smart overseas people who see an oportunity and take advantage of it.}

We Australians are one of biggest consumers of technology per capita in the world but you have to laugh when you see that we actually get mostly the technology that has already saturated the overseas,{wealthy} market and the excess has to be flogged to someone. After all why are our phones so primitave compared to japanese ones, surely the technology can exist here too, {Because there are billions of dollars to be made by other countries out of our technology appetite by just trickle feeding us the technology at a very profitable rate.}

I went to Japan and stood dumbfounded at the amount of hitech gadgets and appliances that were for sale, and a lot of them were made by places like singapore which not so long ago were the sitting duck, as we are now for the picking of the wealthy nations.
Singapore and other places like Hong Kong have obviously woken up to themselves and put their heads down and bums up to get ahead.
We Australian are heading for a rude shock.
So we need to be making the effort as a smart nation to create our own wealth instead of being the nation likened to the 4 year old child throwing a temper tantrum in the middle of the shopping centre with everyone watching.
We will no more get our way than the 4 year old, we need to wisen up.

So choose are we going to wisen up and help the nation get back on its feet or are we going to throw a temper tantrum about the Kombies. There are much more important problems we are facing.

We Choose a laidback complacent approach to the financial partakings of the world and now more and more we are reaping ALL the benefits.

Our Dollar has only changed value against the greenback recently because the American dollar has plumitted, it stil buys F&^kall of any other currency and America wont stay down for long.
As the world grows at an exponetial rate with population and technology we are the no longer the lucky country of years gone by, but more like we are lucky we have any country left, as people from all over the world buy Australia one piece at a time, If you look for the information rather than just accept what imformation others see fit for our cunsumption, you will find many more worrying things than "where did our Kombies go."

Like how about not so long ago women fought for the right to hold a paid job.........well didn't they run into the rotating knives flat out.
Now try and raise a family on the wage of one man with his wife raising children and looking after the home and backup support. Its a joke
We no longer have the choice.
Its my guess that before too long, if we stay on this path, then we will be making the kids work too as a matter of neccessity and heaven forbid we get sick as Doctors will be as they were a long time ago, Available only to the rich, lets see if I'm wrong.
We are not only not marching forward with the rest of the world but going backwards faster and faster
Us Aussies throwing a temper tantrums about the kombies seems very pointless to me, when for similar reasons I cant afford to live in the town I was born as land prices rise faster faster competing with interstate and overseas buyers so buying the kombie was relatively easy, affording to store it gets harder and harder.

I'm just going to stop here as I see a novel appearing before me.:D

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posted on July 26th, 2003 at 04:23 PM

Saurus . "Dam Pommies stealing our Vw's and sending them over to the UK 30 at a time. "
where do you get these figures from.

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posted on July 26th, 2003 at 04:37 PM

Yes No Yes No Yes No to post or not to post !!!!

I'm a pommie and living here now. I've owned a veedub since was 15 years old. I currently have 3 here !!

I understand not happy at "our" ozzie kombies / bugs going to the uk.

Have you seen just how big the veedub scene in the UK is ??

It is massive. Go over and have a look at

Try to keep up with the posts on this site ! they go fast.

Have a look how many people cherish there rides. You'll see that they are going to people like you and I that love volkswagens.
Is that a sin ?
I don't think it is.
Herbie covered some good points I think IMHO.

Check out the beach buggies these guys have. some very nice ones indeed. And don't even have such a good climate as we do. Does that stop then ?

Check out how many shows there are during the summer months ?
From Oct I think they'll have 2 regular monthly mag and a bi monthly " grass roots" mag.

They are only like you and I.
I know your points about cost of parts and cars and busses going up.
I know someone is making a dollar or a fair few !!

Umm now do i post this or not !!! Ohwell the heck only once.

And you lot say the pomms winge !!! gees ...........

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posted on July 26th, 2003 at 05:15 PM

If heaps of split kombies go os, then will bays be worth more?
Hmmm I wonder :D

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posted on July 26th, 2003 at 05:49 PM

Well i've been viewing this post for a couple of days and here's my 2c worth.
I don't own a splittie but i've got a '69 beetle which on occasions comes between my wife and I so I guess i'm a fanatic. (her words not mine). Now I've owned a few of them including a splittie many moons ago and for that matter a baja.
Now bear with me for a minute, My wife tells me i have this uncanny knack of always seeing two sides to an arguement and this quite often pisses her off big time.
I must admit I was one of the narrow minded people Brad spoke of with regards to people cutting up beetles to make buggies out of them but you need to sit back and be able to see the forest for the trees.
No matter what shape or form it is, whether it's been chopped, stretched shortened, cut, engine transplanted or convertablized(?) It's a volkswagen.
My point is if you can't use it yourself sell or give it to someone who can, even if that means overseas. The only thing that can hurt us is if the VW scene here in OZ reduces to the point VW businesses go out of business or we have no choice but to import overpriced parts from overseas.
So in a nutshell if we can't use them let them go to someone who can but on the other hand I wouldn't want to see a split window baja.
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posted on July 27th, 2003 at 12:47 AM

Yawn.... :jesus

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posted on July 27th, 2003 at 07:20 AM

Yeah Id like to know if it is true as well, 30 at a time!
I dont like them going overseas as well, but I have to agree with Herbie, this is the least of our countrys troubles, and if they want to pay for them, what can we do about it!
I have known a german guy who has been sending container loads of assorted VW stuff collected at swap's and wreckers to Germany for years, Im sure some of you have come accross him, and no one, says to him he cant buy their stuff because it's heading to Germany!
Im not a rich person, and if I want something I will go without beer, takeaway, and anyother money wastage to save to get what I want, I always get there in the end, If you want a split start saving and looking, I have heard of quite a few not heaps, but 4 or 5 around that have been available for reasonable amounts $1500-$2000 obviously they need work, but most of the ones you see at shows had to have some sort of surgery to look as they do now anyway!
So if you want one, get out and find one, have a go! and you will get it!

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posted on July 27th, 2003 at 07:35 AM

I don't know that it will increase the value of a bent screen.
Splitties have a cult following that the later ones just don't have......:cool:

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posted on July 27th, 2003 at 08:56 AM
Damn pommies

Splitties do have a cult following but it appears the cult is leaning towards the older group as they are the ones most able to afford the expense involved to restore them. Perhaps that is why they are going o/s as there is probably more expendable income for their hobbies. People here should appreciate the costs involved with restoration before tackling a splittie resto. Personally I would prefer they all stayed here for posterity. People open your cheque books and keep them here( check out the single cab for sale, the green one) on another posting and see why they should stay. You could not restore one for that. volma1

They are still there, just have faith you'll find one.
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