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[ Total Views: 750 | Total Replies: 5 | Thread Id: 46325 ]
Author: Subject:  Enamel or Acrylic?
A.k.a.: Dan
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posted on November 25th, 2005 at 12:46 PM
Enamel or Acrylic?

Hey peoples

i'm in the process of prepping my 62 beetle to be sprayed matt black

a (professional) mate who is going to spray it for me said i can use enamel or acrylic.

what's the better option, and why?

also, will the flat black mark much?

thanks for any clues :)

64 Beetle. Like a beaten up 70's speedboat.
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posted on November 25th, 2005 at 02:23 PM

It's your choice what you want to paint it in, here is an article explaining the differences. There is no simple answer to a better option.

Make sure you read this article properly and I will test you on it later 

And yes the flat black will mark much

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posted on November 26th, 2005 at 12:07 PM

haha a test?

thanks for that article.

so, seeing as the flat black will mark, is there such a thing as a low sheen clear that could be used over the top?

as it's probably going to be sitting outside most of the time and subjected to a fair bit of weather.

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posted on November 26th, 2005 at 12:37 PM

The problem is clear is a shiney surface in automotive paint. If you add flattening base to it, you have just made it exactly the same as the black paint underneath. Clear is the same as solid paint.

If you painted your car with gloss black and put a coat of matt clear over it, you would have the same effect with the same marking capabilities. If you polish the scratches out, it will shine up just in that spot to a certain degree.

If it is going to be subject to fair bit of weather it will deteriorate much faster than a gloss finish. The more matt you add to a paint, the more you dilute the protection properties. Matt is a product with no protection, so it dilutes the anti UV etc. in normal paint.

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posted on November 26th, 2005 at 12:58 PM

Ah fair enough. I thought there might be a way around it, but i guess not!

Thanks for the info :)

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posted on November 26th, 2005 at 02:10 PM

matt black beetles are soooo about 2 pac he said being oppositional...

Loves a lolcat

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