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[ Total Views: 567 | Total Replies: 3 | Thread Id: 43093 ]
Author: Subject: the Rust spot on a bug between back window and gutter strip
Veteran Volks Folk


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mad.gif posted on August 23rd, 2005 at 05:16 PM
the Rust spot on a bug between back window and gutter strip

seems like the late bugs are prone to this one, you know between back window and gutter strip where it starts out as a crack across...then rusted ?
Dug out the crap that they jam up between the motor bay and that side 1/4 moon vent but was to late.

So has anyone made up this repair section or know where to buy ...even overseas?
A.k.a.: steff
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posted on August 23rd, 2005 at 08:58 PM

You can't get a replacement panel, no one makes one.

you have a couple of options, find a wreck thats not rusted out and cut the area u want and graft it into yours or if u have the know how make a new one yourself, if u can't get a sheet metal worker to do one for you...

all a bit of a pain but it can be done with a bit of effort. just remember to make sure all the foam crap is out of the gap between the two skins as its burns real fast...

steff........................nn[ Edited on 23-8-2005 by DubCrazy ]

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posted on August 24th, 2005 at 12:24 PM

I did this recently. all you need is a sheet with a very slight dome to it. Very easy to cut it out of something else, like a roof section or something. I have left over bits of roof, so if you want i could post one to you? i'm in sydney.

Veteran Volks Folk


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posted on August 24th, 2005 at 07:39 PM

....Thats right! the big piece that got cut from me roof for the rag, could bring myself to throw it out then...Sweet,thanks dude.

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